Tuesday 24 April 2012

Catch me

and I cannot seem to grab onto anything
my hands slip
on nothing,
the ledge is just that little bit too far
the rope just out of my grasp
a branch
a stick
but there's nothing—
and so
I am falling
no hand outstretched to grab mine
into nothing
for nothing
catch me,

Emoticon included

He’s not coming it said
no reason why
felt the need to send it in a text
emoticon include—smiley face
and an x, should be thankful I got the x
fitting for the age we live in
common courtesy in a text
I suppose I should feel content
he sent a message
could have been worse
he could have stood me up
instead a
'soz :) x'
and nothing more
except it would have read
left me wondering
what I did
thought about it for days
left me baffled
then annoyed
then mad
sent my own little message
two letters—
no smiley face,
no x
no thank you very much
I'll leave it with you
as to which two letters they were :)

Just a little

Just a little bitch
and a moan
and a whine
about nothing in particular
or maybe it is
a cleanse
a purge
just about the Autumn weather
a good a reason as any
the weather's warmer than the norm
isn't it
is it
it is—
and the fact that I’m not sure what I should wear
and mornings take that little bit longer
shirt, shorts, dress, jeans
or maybe a little bit of everything
and even then I get it wrong
and then I'm annoyed
after all I live in Melbourne
should know better
do know better
about certain things
and somethings
and nothing
especially the weather
just a little something
to get off my chest


Somewhere I’m wandering aimlessly
my thoughts are wild
I'll try to
tame them with a lasso
not big enough
and so the words escape
into a freefall
into oblivion
into the air
float through the wind
scattered thoughts
to words
to letters
like autumn leaves
flutter through the sky
meaning drawn for someone
gathering letters to form
a word
a thought
different meaning
for someone other than me
was it you

Friday 20 April 2012

A baby's song

Baby cries again
in my head the sound
I will myself to calm
but nerves are high
I want it to stop
hold in my arms
and feel its heart pound against my breast
its tiny hands punching the air
tiny being
my life
I hum a melody
my heart pounds in unison
small being
totally reliant on me
earth's gift to me
precious being
I can do this
baby settles
little hands rest upon its chest
my eyes close
baby calm
I am calm
soothing lullaby
for both of us


You took a piece of my heart
when I least expected it,
thought everything was fine
it came quietly
with no fan fair
nor warning signs—neon lights
it was just there
and I did not know what to think
I sat muted
though my mind was blank
I wanted to feel
yet nothing came
I wanted to say something
yet my tongue was glued to the roof of my mouth
why do these things happen
is it the Universe—
a higher being sending a message
or is it something more
jealousy rules—
maybe I'll put it down to this
and walk one foot in front of the other and
continue walking
Until I've overcome and passed through this mess
I hope that the mess doesn't stick to my shoes
and the path is clearer from here on in
and whoever wishes things—
good and bad,
I hope you receive those wishes back

Tuesday 17 April 2012


Never a poem
just a thought
something for me
became something for someone else
and then someone else
became something to do
pass the time
to make me feel better
sometimes a rant
angry, a verbal tirade
a rambling
with no beginning or end
a small haiku
quirky and fun
an ode
a piece of prose,
heartfelt, full of pieces of me within its body
and sometimes, something not much of anything at all
but who knows what
for you

Monday 16 April 2012

What am I?

I am Gaia,
Kali and Mary.
I am a mother.
Not certain, if that is my only role in the whole grand scheme of things,
I will have other adventures but this my greatest ride
for now.
I am a wife.
I am a daughter.
A sister.
An aunt.
A best friend.
I am a living being,
with heart,
with soul
with a conscience.
Rules set with the promise of eternal life
in a paradise afterlife,
or a never ending infernal—an affective incentive.
I believe in me.


Little bird

Little bird
with broken wing
for someone
to come along
bandage wing, lovingly
little bird
broken wing
looking for blue skies
to take flight
once again

Friday 13 April 2012

A misunderstanding

I don’t mind he said
I don’t mind, as he walked around the house nonchalantly
I’m not angry he said
I’m not angry as he stomped through the house, with his muddy boots on
knowing how much I hated anyone walking through the house with shoes on
I’m not jealous he said
I’m not jealous he repeated as he tore up our wedding pictures and let the pieces float to the floor
I’m not upset he said
I’m not upset as he threw teacup after saucer after vase against the wall
I know it was a misunderstanding he said
I know it was as he banged on the front door begging to let him back in
I’m sorry he said
I’m sorry he said as he cried into the telephone
I’m sorry
I’m sorry
I’m sorry

Saturday 7 April 2012

The mouse

Timid shy she says
whiskers twitch
nose quivers
I am a mouse
behind cupboards
bits of scraps
odds and ends
I hear you—
I stand to attention
hold my breath
try and find me
I'm hidden
at least I think I am
why do you want to find me—
hurt me
all I want—
a bit of bread
to fill my belly
lest I need to run
and hide
and run
and have nothing
to keep me going—
just a
of bread

Friday 6 April 2012

Growing up

We used to be friends
sit on park benches
sharing strawberry jam sandwiches
juice boxes and a packet of Twisties
we used to be friends
laugh, until our sides hurt
our cheeks were sore
until we couldn’t even remember why we were laughing
we used to be friends
and push each other in the back, until we thought we’d fly off the swings
screaming, legs flinging
desperately trying to touch the sky
until dinner time and we knew we were late and would run home
hoping to sneak in the back door without our mother’s noticing
we used to be friends
and hang out at each others houses
until our mother’s would shoo us out
to get some air—
some exercise
some sun
some anything
just to be out of their hair
we used to be friends
until one day we noticed boys
namely, the same boy
at first we didn’t admit it to each other
thought he’d be interested in the other
until that vile green
grew inside each of us
and grew until we couldn’t look each other in the eye
until we couldn’t bear to be in the same room as each other
until the sound of your name being called would make
that green vile thing turn red and angry
and huge
we used to be friends
until we decided we could no longer stand each other
we used to be friends
until we grew up

Wednesday 4 April 2012

A lesson in love

Looking up at me
irrepairable actions
love hurts—true

The silent one

You are the silent one
the one that blends into the walls
into the night sky
into the bed clothes
you are—
the one I wait for
every night
in the dark
while the stars light up the night
and the moon is hidden between new and half
and full
and clouds
you are the one
without words
with a touch
eyes wide
with that look
that only you do and only I understand
you are the one
I see
when I close my eyes at night
when I dream
when I awake and sleep still blinds me
you are the one
when I am confident
self assured
I am me
you are the one
I await
patiently and sometimes not
for you to make yourself known
for time to pass quickly
for tireless hands to wind their way around the face of time
and every tick and every tock seems an eternity
you are the one
I ask why you are not there
where are you—
in this time
in this hour
this moment
and when I can bear it no more
there you are
as if you've never disappeared
were always in the shadows
the walls
you are the one
ready to break my fall
wipe the hair from my eyes
kiss me softly
and tell me everything will be okay

Green grass

Caught between a rock and a ledge
I am caught between life and death
and resurrection on a day yet undecided
threatening to infect
spread wild
spores of nothing
I am the nothingness
of life—
Oh how I wish I was
the perfect green
blades of grass
so carefully tended too
sown with love
rain sweet
water and
nurture in the light
in the sun
feeding life
into life
for life
spreading spreading

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Mirror, mirror

You are mirrored
I am mirrored
but the same
I hear your words
I cringe
you hear mine
you retaliate
not hearing
never hearing
what I say
what you say
battle fronts
raised to limitless heights
thick with scrub
foliage of difference
tearing down the leaves
one by one
takes so much time
time passes
mirror image
not so mirrored any more
until the final front is lowered
and I see you
you see me
and cognisance
startles us both
we were never the same

The Man in The Moon

Piano keys
notes hit tentatively
almost bashful
'The Man in The Moon'
and then
with more purpose
louder still
melody known
no halting steps this time
continuous flow
reverebrates in an otherwise
quiet house
ears pricked to attention
resounding applause
in my head

Monday 2 April 2012

One step closer

I saw you yesterdayI felt your breath on the breeze
smelt your scent
knew you were waiting for me
in the brush
hiding in the trees
just a glimpse
of eyes
I am one
of many
I am small
and insignificant
but I am loud and clear
when I want you to know
you know
I see it in your
no one else sees
gets what I am
I smell their fear
on you it does not exist
I saw you yesterday
waiting by the edge
timid steps imprinted in the damp earth
you did not come any further
maybe tomorrow
you will take that one
to me


Daydream away
eyes open
I stay—
mind takes flight
to another time
where the worries of yesterday
no longer exist
the thoughts of tomorrow
have yet to happen
where the sky is pristine—azzure
blinding sun
but I can see clearly
tree tops sway ever so slightly
and the melody of the birds make me smile
in the distant water trickles
calming senses
perfumed air
drifts into my nose
I am serene
away the hours
I can
at least today

Sunday 1 April 2012

Soccer star

Loud whistle blows
determination sets in
that goal's for you mum

April fools day

Jester jokes,
not fair to play on people's emotions like that
I say, full of righteousness
only causing him to laugh harder
not fair, I repeat
voice shaken
not so sure of myself now
jester smirks
loosen up
live a little
a joke's a joke's a joke
not so
I say
not funny when you hurt the ones you love
not funny when the joke's directed at you,
about you,
of you
not funny
all the while
I'm trying
trying to hide
the smile forming on my lips